Monday, October 29, 2012

Goldon Molling (4th year) for President

Greetings to all of you! I’m Goldon Molling, current 4th year student and would like to thank you nominating me for the presidency post of MSA 2012/2013. Currently I’m the president of the Malaysia Chinese Students Community (MCSC) 2012/2013, representing the Malaysian Chinese students as a whole. I have been exposed to many activities and projects as a leader not only in Volgograd but also in Malaysia when I was in high school for a number of years.
My principles, as a leader are simple: people’s priority, goal fixation and improvement.

People’s priority - to listen to and provide the needs of all Malaysian students.
Goal fixation – to set objectives and visions.
Improvement – to improve networks and connections among us. It can be in the aspect of studies, welfare, connections between us and the university, etc.
I will further elaborate my visions and goals in my campaigning speech in the upcoming election. Your nomination and voting for me will be much appreciated.

Thank you. 

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