Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Yuwaraja Vijayakumar for President

Hello everyone my name is Yuwaraja Vijayakumar. 
I'm currently a 5th year student. I would like to run for the Presidential post in the upcoming MSA election 2012/2013.
I've taken such duties in the past and responsibility is second nature to me.Therefore i can confidently say that i understand the system here and how it works.With this I believe in serving my fellow Malaysians towards betterment. 
Please do consider me.Thank you. 

Syed Aidid for President

Asssalamualaikum, and hello everyone, awesome people of Volgograd. I, Syed Aidid bin Syed Abdul Rahman, student of the 5th course of VSMU, would like to run for the presidential post of the Malaysian Student Association of Volgograd. I promise to give my best effort to carry out the responsibility. InsyaAllah. Words of wisdom for myself and everyone, ''Treat yourself with your mind, treat others with your heart''. :)

Intan Nor Asmarina Razali (4th year) for Academic Director

Assalamualaikum and a very good day =)
I'm Intan Nor Asmarina Razali, 4th year student would like to run for the Academic Director post in the upcoming MSA 2012/2013 election. I've ran the post before in the MSA 2011/2012 board and I really hope that all of you are happy with my works. Thus, if you think that I'm eligible enough to run this post again, do vote for me.
One of my aims for this next era is to introduce the culture of street-smart-medical-students in all of the hearts of us,Volgogradians. It's really great if all of us can be an all-rounder doctor. From the academic point of view, I'm thinking of organizing more events in cooperation with all the academic representatives from IMAM, VMIA , and MCSC.
Last but not least, I cannot promise you much as 'Action speaks louder than words'. So,think wisely.
Finally, may He eases us in everything we do. InsyaAllah.

tahun pengajian : TAHUN 4
jawatan yg dipilih : ACADEMIC DIRECTOR

Hansley Liew You Sheng(3rd year) for Media Director

Greetings to all, I'm Hansley Liew You Sheng, 3rd year student. I'd like to run for the Media Director post in this upcoming MSA election.
I believe that I have adequacy in terms of creativity and innovative thoughts. I'm an avid fan of art, I do digital artworks on Photoshop or manually, I enjoy creating short clips for events, currently I'm using iMovie. I shamelessly admit that I have average skills in terms of social networking. I'm a regular blogger of many years. Not forgetting to mention that I master all 3 languages of English, Malay and Mandarin. I'm currently the media director for MCSC and would be interested to share a skill or two in the upcoming MSA post for media director.

Thank you.

Muhammad Hafidz Bin Hasan for Media Director

Muhammad Hafidz Bin Hasan (4th Year) for Media Director
Assalamualaikum and greetings to all,
My name is Muhammad Hafidz Hasan, a 4th year student humbly would like to run for the Media Director post in this upcoming MSA election. 
How I do my work? I like to make things simpler and organized. I am an addict in using Photoshop, Windows Movie Maker (for just a basic video making), Swish (flash program), an active infamous blogger in Volgograd. I’m a lifeless creature who lives in social networking almost 24/7, able to speak Malay, English, Penang, and gagap Russian. My father is a Celcom worker, so I guess communication shouldn’t be a problem (?). 
If you do trust me, do vote for me.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Goldon Molling (4th year) for President

Greetings to all of you! I’m Goldon Molling, current 4th year student and would like to thank you nominating me for the presidency post of MSA 2012/2013. Currently I’m the president of the Malaysia Chinese Students Community (MCSC) 2012/2013, representing the Malaysian Chinese students as a whole. I have been exposed to many activities and projects as a leader not only in Volgograd but also in Malaysia when I was in high school for a number of years.
My principles, as a leader are simple: people’s priority, goal fixation and improvement.

People’s priority - to listen to and provide the needs of all Malaysian students.
Goal fixation – to set objectives and visions.
Improvement – to improve networks and connections among us. It can be in the aspect of studies, welfare, connections between us and the university, etc.
I will further elaborate my visions and goals in my campaigning speech in the upcoming election. Your nomination and voting for me will be much appreciated.

Thank you. 

Nominate yourselves

You think that leadership is something you're borned with?
You think that you can be better than the previous'?
The future lies in your hands
Brace yourselves
Nominate yourselves!

Don't just read the history, MAKE history!

Amir Aqil Omar Hassan for Welfare Director

Nama: Amir Aqil Omar Hassan

Tahun pengajian: 3rd year

Biro Kebajikan

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera, saya amir aqil omar hassan, pelajar tahun tiga ingin bertanding bagi jawatan biro kebajikan MSA bagi sesi 2012/2013. Saya berharap anda semua dapat mencalonkan saya bagi jawatan tersebut. 

Terima kasih

Amir Rusli (4th Year) for Sport Director

Greetings everyone,
I am Muhammad Amir Rusli, 4th year student.
I would like to run for the post of Sport Director in the coming MSA election.
I am an active member of Volgograd Rugby team; Ribbreakers, represented Volgograd university in different intervarsity games, was the Head of Sports committee for MARA-JPA ‘Weekend Chill out’ , organized Volgograd futsal league, was a Sports President of my highschool, Sekolah Sains Seremban.
I humbly request for you to nominate me if you think I'm eligible. Thank You

Tan Ee Lin(3rd year) for Sport Director

Hello everyone,
I'm Tan Ee Lin, currently in my third year of studies. I would like to run for the post of Sport Director in the coming MSA election. I'm a badminton player in our university team, representing our university in different intervarsity games.
Please nominate me if you think I'm eligible. Thank You.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

How To Fill Up The MSA Nomination Form

Watch this video, as Mr. Faiz Nasir will tell us on how to fill up the MSA Nomination Form.

think carefully before you nominate!

p/s: the forms will be given to your batch reps on Sunday, and by Monday you can take it from your староста

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Nomination manifesto

Dear Volgogradians,

Nomination forms will be distributed on Monday (29/11/12) and collected on Friday (02/11/12).

So, if you are all ready to be part of MSA Volgograd 12/13, don't hesitate to send in your nomination manifesto!

It could be a short description of yourself, your vision for MSA, or even video! It's up to you.

Posts available: President, secretary, treasurer, academic director, media director, welfare director, sports director and batch representatives.

For election guidelines, please refer : http://ec2012vsmu.blogspot.com/p/election-guidelines.html (4th year and 5th year students are allowed to contest for president this year!)

Please kindly send in your manifesto before 02/11/12 to facebook inbox of Ahmed bin Kamarulzaman, Yeap Sheh Yi, Vinodh Krsna or ec2012vsmu@gmail.com.

Let the nomination begins. :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Who can be the NEXT !

Dear Volgogradians,

It's election season again! This year, the presidential post is opened for 4th and 5th year students. Think you have what it takes to be our next MSA president, send in your manifesto and let others know your worth. Further guidelines for other posts can be read under our election guideline page.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Greetings from Head of EC

Assalamualaikum W.B.T and greetings to all.

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for being given the chance to head the Election Committee for the term 2012/2013. 

Let me start out by indulging with all of you the importance of our MSA elections. The people that we choose, are the people who are suppose to voice out all our concerns, opinions and expressions during our study life in Volgograd. 

Rest assured that this elections, under my tenure will be conducted fairly and transparently. The elections will be conducted systematically and orderly. All nominees WILL BE ALLOWED to post their campaign on this page. All updates pertaining to the election blog will be posted on the MSA page as well as my Facebook page. (;

I hope that all MSA members will turn up during the upcoming elections, believe me, much effort has been put in to ensure that this election is successful. 

"Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more."

Head of Election Committee,
Izzat Arslan

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Election Committee

President : Izzat Arslan
Vice President :Chan Jinn Shian
Secretary : Muhammad Faiz Nasir
Treasurer : Sethuckarasi Narayanan

Nomination director :
Nik Zhafri
Ching Zhen Hao
Patricia Aloysius

Media director :
Ahmed Kamarulzaman
Vinodh Krsna
Yeap Sheh Yi

Voting director :
Tan Yee Bee
Mohd Khalisan
Joseph Unja
Ain Izzati Abdul Halim
Elsa-Preeti Davis

Venue director :
Zulhilmi Ismail
Douglas Chu Kin Soon
Alan Gan
Chandravasheni Tanimalai
Wan Nur Azwani Wan Salleh

Head of Usher: Michael Chia

Batch representatives
Premed: Ezlyni Eddy
1st year: Saufi
2nd year: Ghaithrie Subramaniam
3rd year: Ridhwan Roslan
4th year: Muhammad Syamim Mamat
5th year: Muhammad Syafiq Zulkharnain
6th year: Ching Zhen Hao