Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Brice Tan for Welfare Director

My name is Brice Tan and I am currently a fourth year student. First off, I would like thank those who nominated me for putting their trust in me; I hope I will live up to your expectations. In any organization, on the top of its list priorities must always be the welfare of its members, well at least that is what I believe in. An organization, any organization, is built upon the sweat, blood and tears of its constituents and if those who form its flesh and blood are not taken care of, how could it possibly function? You and I both know the answer to that. If elected, I will give it my all to make sure that you, yes, you the members are well taken care of, for we are all each a cog, a gear, a nut, a bolt that keeps this well-oiled machine called the Malaysian Students Association running and no machine can function if even one small part of it is damaged. I give you my word that I will keep this machine oiled and rust free so if you would have me, it will be an honor to serve as the welfare director of this association.

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